For those who know me it’s often not strange to hear me speak about world history and how it relates to the overall biblical narrative of redemption and salvation through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. Since childhood I’ve been enthralled by human history and all its details. Countless books on the subject, stories read, documentaries watched and extensive personal research on history and redemption of those whom God has called to become part of his family, accompanied with Bible reading, study and deep meditation on God’s plan have shaped my beliefs and faith in a way I never thought or expected. This holistic approach has allowed me to see the interconnectedness of human events and God's divine plan, reinforcing my understanding of His-Story as a profoundly theological concept.
Although I am not the first to draw this connection in theological terms, several other biblical erudite have done a wonderful job of defining it, describing the intricacies of the concept from a purely academic and technical perspective. The main objectives of this work of love - for God, his redemptive work through Jesus, the heavenly guidance the Holy Spirit gives - are to introduce it to a greater number of believers, nonbelievers, and even to skeptics, about the interconnections between God’s Sovereign plan and humanity’s affairs. By exploring these divine connections, I aim to bridge the gap between academic theology and everyday faith, making the profound mysteries of God's plan accessible and relatable to all.
Several years back after reading a book on discovering my personal and uniquely God-given attributes came to know about them in a deeply transforming way. One of those attributes I learned about after taking an online test and printing the publisher’s report, was something I knew prior to reading the book and submitting to the evaluation, but after taking the test and reading its results I finally understood what I had been given: the gift of thirst for learning. Along with this surprising personal piece of knowledge about my desire to learn came another unknown and even more surprising personal strength: my strong inclination to see, perceive and decipher the interconnections all around us that so often people who were not granted this gift would completely miss. This newfound understanding of my attributes deepened my faith and enriched my spiritual journey. By recognizing and embracing these gifts, I strive to inspire others to explore their own divine connections and uncover the unique ways God's plan manifests in their lives.
My prayer is that God will grant me the opportunity to persuade you to be interested in this concept. In return for your interest, you will read my personal views on this topic and also pray that it will foster a deeper faith and encourage a loyal and faithful walk with God. Since the topic is dense in historical data and biblical prophecy, primarily focusing on the life, ministry and events of Jeremiah the man and God’s servant, this blog post will be the first of several. By delving into Jeremiah's story, we can uncover profound lessons about faith, perseverance, and God's unwavering presence in our lives. Through this series, I hope to illuminate these timeless truths and strengthen our collective spiritual journey. My hope is that you join me in this journey by following these posts. By exploring Jeremiah's experiences, we can gain insights into overcoming adversity and deepening our faith. Together, we can grow spiritually and strengthen our relationship with God.
His-Story – Correlating the Term to Theology
The term "His-story" emphasizes the belief that history is ultimately guided by God's will and purpose. It suggests that the events of the world are not random, but part of a divine narrative orchestrated by a higher power. This perspective can provide believers with a sense of comfort and understanding, seeing themselves as participants in a larger, meaningful story. This theological concept encourages individuals to find purpose and meaning in their own lives by aligning themselves with what they perceive as God's overarching plan. It fosters a sense of faith and trust in the unfolding of events, even in times of uncertainty or hardship.
God's Perspective
The Bible’s narrative is replete with individuals - common people, kings, prophets and even evil ones - all used by a Sovereign God in accordance with his eternal plan to restore humanity to a relationship with him. The Bible emphasizes that history isn't just a random series of events, but a narrative authored and directed by God. It shifts the focus from a purely human-centered view to a God-centered view.

The Scriptures showcases God's sovereignty in using people from all walks of life to reconcile humanity to Him. God's authorship is woven throughout history, guiding every event and individual life to fulfill His redemptive plan. Biblical figures, both righteous and wicked, played roles in this plan, as seen in Joseph's story and Pharaoh's opposition. Even Jesus' crucifixion, an act of rebellion, became the means of salvation. God's sovereignty doesn't negate human responsibility, but places it within His overarching plan, using human choices for His eternal purpose.
Divine Purpose
The Scriptures also suggest that every event, even those that seem chaotic or meaningless, fits into God's overarching plan. It profoundly highlights the idea that God is working behind the scenes to accomplish His purposes. Many times, God’s works are not readily obvious to humans, and in cases not even to his followers. The Scriptures consistently emphasize that every single event, regardless of how disordered or insignificant it may appear from a human perspective, is intricately woven into God's all-encompassing plan. This perspective profoundly underscores the concept that God is continuously orchestrating events behind the scenes to achieve His divine purposes.
While God's workings are often not immediately apparent to humanity, and at times remain hidden even from His followers, the Scriptures assure us that his sovereign hand guides all things. This includes events that may seem random, chaotic, or even tragic. From the rise and fall of nations to the seemingly insignificant details of daily life, all are encompassed within God's sovereign plan.
This biblical truth offers profound comfort and assurance to believers. It reminds us that even amidst life's uncertainties and challenges, we can trust in God's ultimate control and His unwavering commitment to His good purposes. While we may not always understand the reasons behind specific events, we can rest assured that God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him.
Sovereign Control:
God’s sovereignty is often misunderstood by some to imply that He somehow created robots subject to His control and not possessing a bit of control over their words and even their actions; nothing could be further from the truth. God’s sovereignty is a theological concept that is often misinterpreted and misunderstood. Some people mistakenly believe that it implies a form of divine control that strips individuals of their free will, turning them into mere puppets or robots that are completely subject to God's every whim and command. This interpretation paints a picture of humanity as beings without any agency or autonomy, devoid of the ability to make choices or decisions for themselves.
However, this view is far from the truth. God's sovereignty does not negate human free will; in fact, it operates in conjunction with it. God, in His infinite wisdom and power, has granted humanity the gift of free will, allowing individuals to make choices and decisions that shape their lives and impact the world around them. This means that people are responsible for their actions and words, and they will be held accountable for them.
God's sovereignty is not a form of control that eliminates human choice; rather, it is a form of authority that encompasses and governs all things. It is the recognition that God is the ultimate ruler of the universe, and that His will and purposes will ultimately prevail. While individuals have the freedom to make choices, those choices are still subject to God's sovereign plan and purposes. He can work through and around human choices to accomplish His will, even when those choices are contrary to His desires. The Bible reinforces the concept of God's sovereignty, His absolute rule over all creation. It implies that human actions, while real, are ultimately subject to God's will.
This blog series will be grounded on the Book of Jeremiah
Next blog post: Judah’s Spiritual Decline and Jeremiah’s Ministry