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Decipher Body Language: 5 Keys to Knowing If Someone Doesn't Like You

Updated: Jul 13

Body language is a type of non-verbal communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, body posture and movement. These conscious and unconscious signals from the body can reveal a person's emotional state or intentions.

Psychology and sociology provide us with greater knowledge about this increasingly relevant topic. More than discovering it, it is about taking advantage of it to reflect on our lives and understand those around us in various environments.

A brief and descriptive metaphor capable of predicting the actions of a person whose intentions would not be very good, according to his body language could be: “His eyes were like darts, searching for a target among the crowd.” This phrase could be evoked in our mind as a warning message about an action that would follow sooner or later, to the body language of a person looking for another or preparing to carry out an action in a crowd.

In the work environment or being part of a community – such as the neighborhood where we live, the book club, or the group of parents who participate in the school baseball team, etc., it would be greatly beneficial way for us to be able to decipher, even understand the body language of those around us.

The Scriptures do not directly mention the phrase – body language – within any of the books that compose it, however, it guides us, points us in that direction.

In the Bible, the phrase "by their fruits you will know them" appears in the Gospel of Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus warns his followers about false prophets. This phrase refers to the idea that a person's actions and behavior (their "fruits") reveal their true nature and character.

This teaching applies not only to false prophets, but to all people. It invites us to reflect on our own actions and evaluate whether we are living in accordance with the values ​​and principles we profess.

Closer to the topic of body language, Scripture adds: »A happy heart is reflected on the face, a hurt heart depresses the spirit» Proverbs 15:13 NIV.

Continues with this passage: »For the afflicted every day is bad; For those who are happy, everyone is a celebration” Proverbs 15:15 NIV.

Furthermore, it continues with: »The tongue that brings relief is a tree of life, the insidious tongue depresses the spirit» Proverbs 15:4 NIV.

These passages clearly show us examples of body language. In these cases, as described in the Scriptures, it is not necessary to have obtained a diploma or master's degree in psychology or sociology, instead it requires regular reading and habitual study of the Word of God to discern said body language, which possibly for many, is something unknown or not easily perceptible.

With this publication, the author pursues two objectives: 1) assist the reader in adding new capabilities to his personal toolbox for daily use; 2) assisted by the Holy Spirit, the reader is inspired to read the Scriptures since: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that man may May God be perfect, fully instructed for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

When you interact with someone, pay close attention to their body language. Maybe he's telling you more than his words say.

The Five Keys to Knowing if Someone Doesn't Like You

1. They avoid eye contact. People who don't like you will often avoid eye contact or give you brief, fleeting glances. They may cross their arms or legs while speaking to you, creating a sort of barrier between the two of you. They may also refrain from looking directly at you and move their body away from you even while conversing. These subtle changes in body position can indicate discomfort or disinterest.

2. Little participation in conversation. Let's talk about starting conversations. When someone is interested in you, they will actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and show genuine interest in what you are saying. If you notice that someone constantly tunes out during your conversations, it could be a subtle hint that they're not your biggest fan either.

3. They avoid physical contact. Physical contact can often denote a certain level of comfort and trust between people. A friendly pat on the back, a casual touch on the arm during a conversation, or even a warm hug are common between friends or people who are comfortable with each other. However, when someone doesn't like you, they will usually stay away from any physical contact. They may back away if you get too close or move away subtly if you try to casually touch them. People are more likely to touch someone they like and avoid physical contact with those they don't like. This avoidance can manifest itself in subtle ways, from dodging a high-five to maintaining a noticeable distance while sitting or standing next to you.

4. They are always busy. Another behavior to take into account is constant unavailability. When someone doesn't like you, they will often make them appear busier than they really are to avoid spending time with you. If you constantly hear excuses about why you can't get together or they frequently cancel plans at the last minute, it could be a sign that they don't love you very much. This is not to say that people can't be really busy. We all have those moments when our schedules are packed. But if it's a persistent pattern, it's worth considering whether his "busyness" is genuine or a subtle sign of his feelings for you. Pay attention to how often someone is available to spend time with you and take note if it's a recurring theme. He could be saying something about his true feelings.

5. They give you short and concise answers. Communication is key to any relationship, but the way someone communicates with you can reveal a lot about their feelings toward you. If someone doesn't like you, their responses to your text messages or conversations can often be brief, abrupt, and lacking in detail. They may respond with one-word answers or seem uninterested in continuing the conversation. For example, if you get a lot of "Okay," "Okay," or "Sure" without much explanation, it could be a sign that they're not eager to interact with you.

Now that you know these keys, carefully examine your relationships, interactions, and even your own ways through which you express your feelings toward others. Very often, we ourselves unnoticedly use body language that may make others believe that we don't like them. “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts. Proverbs 21:2 NIV.

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